How to grow Small Tangerines Trees in pots

Select a large pot to grow your Small Tangerines Trees and put the pot into its final position before you begin to fill it with potting mix. Pots that are suitable must have several large drainage holes in their base and be elevated slightly off the ground. This can be achieved by raising the pot on pot feet or bricks. Don’t skimp on potting mix. Buy a good quality potting mix (look for ticks of approval on the bag) and make sure you have enough potting mix to fill the pot to within about 4cm of the rim (to allow space for watering). For a large pot – that is one that’s over 40cm in diameter – you’ll need several bags of potting mix.

Potted Tangerines Trees need to be watered two to three times a week. In very hot or windy weather, particularly if this type of weather occurs when your tree is in flower or forming small fruit, it may need daily watering.

Source : How to grow citrus trees in pots